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School Choice Open Enrollment

Marbut Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

About Us

Beliefs and Mission



S tudents, Parents, Teachers & Community
T ogether
A chieving
R eal
S uccess.

Theme School Program

Marbut Elementary Theme School
Motto: Commit To the Challenge
Mascot: Marbut Mountain Lions
Colors: Purple and Gold

History of Marbut Theme School

The land on which Marbut Theme School sits today was owned by the Marbut family. A country road ran through the family property, thus the name of Marbut Road. But the real history of Marbut Theme School began in February, 1996, when parents began to meet to discuss the guidelines that would become Marbut Theme School. These included uniform dress codes, mascot, school colors and parent guidelines.

The Marbut Elementary Theme School Program

The Dekalb County School System established the Traditional Theme Schools during the 1996-1997 school year with the opening of Marbut Elementary, Bouie Elementary, and Oakcliff Elementary. The theme school program focuses on students as active participants involved in research-centered assignments and hands-on projects in a highly structured interdisciplinary educational program. Parents are a vital part of this program as they provide instructional support for the teachers and the school.

Special features of the Marbut Elementary Theme School Program include:

Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular Instruction
Emphasis on Novel Studies
Spanish Instruction
Science Lab
Computer Lab
Hands-On Activities
Interactive Boards
After School Tutorial Program
Parent University
Requirements of the Marbut Elementary Theme School Program include:
High Academic Standards
Strict Discipline Policy
School Uniforms
Challenging Daily Homework
Semester Research Projects
Book Reports
Poetry Recitation
Summer Cross Curricular Boards
2 Parent Conferences per year
Active Parental Involvement
Mandatory Volunteer Hours

Parent Involvement Program

Parent involvement is required at Marbut and provides the foundation for many of the programs for our students.

Marbut parents have been involved in many activities at Marbut Theme School during the school year which include:
  • Making and assembling games and books
  • Props for classroom programs
  • Awards Banquet
  • Coordination of Math manipulatives for the classrooms
  • Teacher Helpers
  • Daily Tutoring Program for Kindergarten
  • Office Helpers
  • Clinic Helpers
  • Library Helpers
  • Lunchroom Helpers